Evaluation of Infertility
Being childless is emotionally and physically distressing. However, you are not alone. Between ten and fourteen percent of Indians are affected by infertility according to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction. Early and correct diagnosis of paramount importance when it comes to cases of infertility. Dhanvantari Hospital provides easy and affordable infertility treatment in Borivali.
A holistic approach for infertility undertaken by Dr. Deepika Doshi taking both the partners into confidence. Another aspect is the evaluation of the male partner as well which is often ignored or delayed. Dr. Deepika Doshi at Dhanvantari hospital, Borivali notes the detailed medical history of both couples. To check if any medical condition or surgery, that they have or had in the past, might be the reason for infertility.
Dr. Deepika Doshi at Dhanvantari hospital, Borivali notes the detailed medical history of both couples. To check if any medical condition or surgery, that they have or had in the past, might be the reason for infertility.
Tests to identify Female infertility factors
- Test to examine the Uterus & Ovaries: The health of the uterus and ovaries is checked using USG. This is done to examine if any major anomaly is causing infertility. There might be fibroids in the uterus, abnormal shape of the uterus, etc. The endometrial lining is checked for its thickness. The ovaries are examined to check the volume and overall health of the ovaries.
- Fallopian tubes
Fallopian tubes are generally tested for patients who have a past history of major medical conditions like TB, cancer, endometriosis, or if the patient has undergone abdominal or uterine surgeries. In such cases, the fallopian tubes might get blocked preventing the sperm from reaching the egg or preventing the egg from reaching the uterus. Since this blockage cannot be examined via ultra-sonography, a specialized test like HSG or laparoscopy is required.
- Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): HSG is an imaging test done to identify blockage of the fallopian tube. It is done at an X-ray center. During an HSG an iodine contrast is introduced into the uterus and is pushed up to the fallopian tube. The X-ray of the pelvis is taken which clearly highlights any anomaly if present in the fallopian tubes
- Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy is relatively painless as it is done under general anesthesia. A laparoscope is inserted into the uterus and in the abdomen – for direct visualization & fallopian tubes to check for any blockages. If any blockage is found the same can be opened in the same sitting using the Hysteroscope. The patient can go home the same day.
- AMH or Ovarian Reserve Test: It is a blood test that can be done at any time. The AMH helps us assess the quality and quantity of eggs that are remaining in a female ideal AMH value for fertility varies between 2.2ng/ml to 4.4ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter). An AMH value of 0.3ng/ml – 2.2ng/ml is considered low fertility. While a value of 0.02ng/ml – 0.3ng/ml is considered very low and might indicate that eggs are not present. An AMH level greater than 6.8ng/ml is considered very high. High AMH is generally seen in women with PCOD. These women can be very sensitive to IVF stimulation. Hence, require a very specific dosage.
- Routine Blood Tests: routine blood tests are required to check the overall health of women. Of particular importance are the blood sugar and thyroid levels which can adversely affect the treatment process.
- Blood Sugars: Monitoring the blood sugar is very important especially for diabetic. If the women’s sugar is very high during pregnancy the baby can have birth defects.
- Thyroid test: Thyroid disorders are also known to cause infertility
Diagnostic Tests to identify Male infertility factors:
Semen Analysis: In this analysis, semen is collected from the male. The semen is put into special processing chambers called a Makler counting chamber. This chamber provides the count, motility, and health of the sperm.
Count more than 15 million /ml with motility more than 40%
Factors to be considered if there is a low sperm count –
- Identifying Bad Habits: It’s necessary to know if the male has an addiction or if he consumes an excessive amount of alcohol or cigarettes. Alcohol and smoking are known to reduce sperm formation.
- Diagnosing Past Medical History that may cause infertility: The doctor would assess if any abdominal surgeries like hernia or any scrotal injury are known to affect sperm production.
- Undescended testes or Cryptorchidism: Sperm production in the testis is a very temperature-sensitive process even 2-3 degrees of temperature increase can destroy any sperm that may be produced. The abdominal temperature is much higher than the scrotal temperature. This eventually leads to low sperm production. Consequently, affecting the sperm’s ability to impregnate the egg.
- Get infertility treatment in Borivali, avoid expensive IVF, and get evaluated by Infertility and Laparoscopic surgeon Dr. Deepika Doshi. For Consultation Book Appointment.