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C Section


Cesarean Section

Is cesarean section better than normal delivery?

  • Opting for a C-section can give the mother peace of mind, as she knows exactly when she will be giving birth search for the best c section doctor near you so that things can be planned accordingly.
  • Some parents or their families like delivery on a specific day as per the stars
  • Not going through labor pain.
  • She is less likely to suffer from incontinence, and will not suffer the same sexual problems that women who give vaginal birth suffer from in the first few months after birth.
  • Avoid the risk of birth trauma that can happen with forceps or vacuum extraction.

When is the Caesarean Section (C Section) required???

  • Failure of the baby to progress during labor then Caesarean Section (C Section) becomes a priority.
  • Abnormal fetal heart tracings, abnormal fetal heartbeats may indicate that the baby is under distress
  • Fetal malpresentation (e.g., face or breech presentation)

Specific indications for C-section delivery include the following:

  • Multiple gestations (Twin pregnancy, triplets or more).
  • Uterine rupture: Uterine rupture refers to the complete disruption of all uterine layers. When the uterine rupture occurs, there often is a severe maternal bleed that can cause the baby to be severely deprived of oxygen.
  • Placenta previa: This is a dangerous condition in which the placenta covers the opening to the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the womb that joins the vagina. Placenta previa increases the risk of hemorrhagic bleeding during labor and delivery.
  • Vasa Previa: This is a complication that occurs when fetal vessels are crossing or running close to the inner opening of the womb. These vessels are at risk of rupturing when the membranes rupture (which is the “water breaking”). Rupture of the vessels can deprive the baby of oxygen-rich blood, and when vasa Previa occurs, the baby is at risk of death or severe brain damage.
  • Placenta Accreta: This is when the placenta is deeply attached to the middle part of the uterine wall. When this occurs, the placenta doesn’t detach easily during delivery and the mother is at great risk of a severe bleed.
  • Placental abruption: This is when the placenta separates from the uterus. Bleeding will occur, although it may not be visible. The severity of the bleeding and oxygen deprivation in the baby depends on multiple factors, including the location and size of the separation. This can be fatal for the baby.
  • Maternal infection: Maternal infections such as herpes simplex virus or HIV have the potential to spread to the baby during vaginal birth.
  • Umbilical cord prolapse: This occurs when the cord exits in front of the baby and becomes impinged upon, thereby depriving the baby of oxygen.
  • Nuchal cord: A nuchal cord is characterized by the cord becoming wrapped around the baby’s neck. This is an indication for C-section if accompanied by a nonreassuring fetal heart tracing.
  • Suspected macrosomia (unusually large baby)
  • Cephalopelvic disproportion: This is a condition in which the baby is too large for the size of the mother’s pelvis
  • Mechanical obstruction to vaginal birth (for instance, displaced pelvic fracture and hydrocephalus)
  • Other tissue trauma related to cervical dilation, the descent, and expulsion of the baby, or episiotomy.
  • Very premature babies do not withstand the stress of labor well.  Accordingly, a gynecologist typically performs a planned C-section delivery when the baby’s gestation is long before term, but the baby is still able to be born alive.  This is especially true when tracings on the fetal heart rate monitor indicate significant umbilical cord compression, which can deprive the baby of oxygen and predispose the baby to a brain bleed (intracerebral hemorrhage).

Choose not to suffer from all the above-listed indications, search for the best c section doctor near you and plan things accordingly.

Book the appointment with Dr.Deepika Doshi